Technical Details
Extra Virgin Olive Oil – Oleificio “Vittorio Candeloro”
Producing company: Oleificio Vittorio Candeloro snc di Alfia e Claudio Candeloro
Characteristics: extra virgin olive oil production
Zone of production: hills – Loc. Galliano/Collefreddo Loreto Aprutino (PE) – Abruzzo – Italia
Altitude: variable between 300 and 400 meter
Type of trees: dritta of Loreto Aprutino and leccino
Harvest period: from mid of October to the end of November
Harvest system: traditional handmande and with tools
System of extraction: traditional, cold pressed
Colour: yellowi with green reflections
Odour: fresh fruity
Flavour: full playsing flavour and very well balanced with a right aftertaste that is slighly bitter
Packaging: 0,250 lt – 0,500 lt – 0,750 lt – 5 lt in glass or in tin
Uses: for all uses in kitchen, ideal for meat and fish, salads and legums
Physical and Chemicals Exams
Acidity: 0,27 (% oleic acid)
N° peroxides: 6,8 (Meq O2/Kg)
Photosensitivity UV: 1,64 (K 232)
Photosensitivity UV: 0,106 (K 270)
Photosensitivity UV: 0,003 (Δk)
Panel test
Panel test: Category Extra Virgin
Fruity: 3,30
Bitterness: 2,80
Pungency: 3,65